Embracing Dynamic Dance

Brian Nguyen – USA Champion and Bronze medalist in the Mundial

Come join us in welcoming a well-known tango instructor to the Austin tango community!

Brian Nguyen will be in Austin for only a short period for private lessons (July 26-29) and the pre-milonga class at the early Milonga La Tribu on Friday July 26.

Brian Nguyen and his former partner Yuliana are the 2011 USA tango salon champions and Bronze medal finalists in the 2011 World Tango Championship (Mundial de Tango) in Buenos Aires.

For many years Brian has been an inpiring tango teacher and leader in the Los Angeles tango community. His background in various dance forms (he also does Hip-Hop!) along with his passion for learning equips him with unorthodox strategies for the most avid tango students. He is most noted for his unique understanding and imagery for the foundations of tango. Brian loves to work with students who are dedicated to the nuances of technique and grace in a partnered dance.

Pre-milonga class topic:
Dynamic expression in the embrace
This class will elucidate the difference between pausing and stopping in order to give breath and space to an otherwise cut and dry embrace. We will apply this concept to different situations in the dance that will make your staple “old” figures feel “new” again. Join us in learning the technical nuances that will add grace to your embrace.

$15 for the pre-milonga class only
$10 for the milonga only
Best deal $20 for both milonga & class

Check out https://www.yelp.com/biz/la-tango-academy-north-hollywood-2?osq=brian+nguyen+tango to find out what students have to say about Brian!

Brian has a limited availability for private sessions during his visit July 26-29. Please contact him directly at bntangosalon@gmail.com, to book your private lesson.

Please arrive 15 min early (arrive by 6:45 p.m.) to register and warm-up, as we intend to start and end on time for the Milonga La Tribu’s early start at 8:00 p.m.!

We can’t wait to see you all!

Embrace Dynamic Dance, pre-milonga class with Brian Nguyen
Milonga La Tribu with DJ Juan Marcos

WHEN: Friday July 26th
7:00 – 8:00 p.m. Pre-milonga class (arrive by 6:45)
8:00 – 11:00 p.m. Milonga La Tribu

WHERE: Tango Tribe dance studio in east Oak Hill in southwestern Austin
Tango Tribe, 5446 W Hwy 290 Service Road, Suite 105, Austin TX 78735

Pre-pay and save time. No surcharges!

Class only
Milonga only
Class + MilongaBest deal!

Brian Nguyen – USA Champion and Bronze medalist in the Mundial

Come join us in welcoming a well-known tango instructor to the Austin tango community!

Brian Nguyen will be in Austin for only a short period for private lessons (July 26-29) and the pre-milonga class at the early Milonga La Tribu on Friday July 26.

Brian Nguyen and his former partner Yuliana are the 2011 USA tango salon champions and Bronze medal finalists in the 2011 World Tango Championship (Mundial de Tango) in Buenos Aires.

For many years Brian has been an inpiring tango teacher and leader in the Los Angeles tango community. His background in various dance forms (he also does Hip-Hop!) along with his passion for learning equips him with unorthodox strategies for the most avid tango students. He is most noted for his unique understanding and imagery for the foundations of tango. Brian loves to work with students who are dedicated to the nuances of technique and grace in a partnered dance.

Pre-milonga class topic:
Dynamic expression in the embrace
This class will elucidate the difference between pausing and stopping in order to give breath and space to an otherwise cut and dry embrace. We will apply this concept to different situations in the dance that will make your staple “old” figures feel “new” again. Join us in learning the technical nuances that will add grace to your embrace.

$15 for the pre-milonga class only
$10 for the milonga only
Best deal $20 for both milonga & class

Check out https://www.yelp.com/biz/la-tango-academy-north-hollywood-2?osq=brian+nguyen+tango to find out what students have to say about Brian!

Brian has a limited availability for private sessions during his visit July 26-29. Please contact him directly at bntangosalon@gmail.com, to book your private lesson.

Please arrive 15 min early (arrive by 6:45 p.m.) to register and warm-up, as we intend to start and end on time for the Milonga La Tribu’s early start at 8:00 p.m.!

We can’t wait to see you all!

Embrace Dynamic Dance, pre-milonga class with Brian Nguyen
Milonga La Tribu with DJ Juan Marcos

WHEN: Friday July 26th
7:00 – 8:00 p.m. Pre-milonga class (arrive by 6:45)
8:00 – 11:00 p.m. Milonga La Tribu

WHERE: Tango Tribe dance studio in east Oak Hill in southwestern Austin
Tango Tribe, 5446 W Hwy 290 Service Road, Suite 105, Austin TX 78735

Pre-pay and save time. No surcharges!

Class only
Milonga only
Class + MilongaBest deal!