Jump-start to partner dancing, notes
Based on Argentine tango principles David@TangoTribe.com Apr 1, 2024 Solo practice — Explore and master moves to fit music, to prepare for partner dancing. Making
Based on Argentine tango principles David@TangoTribe.com Apr 1, 2024 Solo practice — Explore and master moves to fit music, to prepare for partner dancing. Making
Using our energy in a consistent, expansive way. Filling every part of our body (without hot spots or leaks). So that every part has the support of the whole. Then we can use our energy to match the music and our dance partner.
Picture a ski jumper in flight, stretched out over their skis, for an extreme example of “Nose over toes” posture.
We were practicing a move, but a crucial send-receive signal wasn’t working. If we’d been with someone who had this bit of lead-follow well wired,
So I asked my wife, “Do you have a little voice in your head yammering away all day. Kind of like a jerk in a
My Quora answer to: Why I never understand what’s wrong with my dancing? I am sharp, feeling the music, not stiff, shows good emotion while
What are some simple things or techniques amateurs can learn from professional dancers, or people who are good at dancing, to look a bit more
See acknowledgment of creator Alex Vermeer. Why a post on Motivation in a blog about the Argentine tango? I liked the information in the original
Fear is your friend when it protects you, but it too often goes too far, holding down your growth and joy.
I will touch on four aspects of what I consider important to improvising dance (in general, and not only Argentine tango). Solo practice Solo practice