the Game of Argentine Tango

Everything is a range of possibilities

TAG: step1

About us May we tell you a little about Argen (David) and Tina (Liz) and the Tango Tribe philosophy? step1 connect introduction Tango Tribe Tango Tribe is a…
Acknowledgments We are grateful for these people and learning resources. step1 acknowledgments introduction In alphabetical order... * Austin Bellydance S…
Bibliography Books are our intimate connection to the minds and knowledge of others. step1 tools bibliography books What and why Good books can expand our b…
Dedication It takes a community. step1 introduction What and why From David ("Argen") To my dearest Jennifer, life-dance partner of more than half a centur…
Index, abbreviations, glossary Index and glossary of words, phrases, abbreviations, and symbols. step1 abbreviations definitions glossary index notation refer…
Explore connection A heart-based (body) connection feels nicer than being handled. step1 connect connection embrace explore pivot What and why We use our ha…
Feedback Feedback tells us, “Am I moving closer to or further away from the results I want?” It's an essential tool for developing any skill. step1 tools feed…
We want to be grounded By keeping a strong connection with the Earth (gravity, the floor), we protect our own and our partner's stability. step1 connect balan…
Pool walking A great practice for tango grounding and power: walking in a swimming pool. step1 tools exercise pool-walk walk What and why We learned about t…
Warmup every day Let's do a light, general warm-up daily to prepare for tango exploration and play. step1 fitness move warmup What and why A warm-up before …
Windup reveals intention If we give no windup, our partner has no warning, and we have no power. step1 connect grounded intention windup What and why People…