The hand side of the Argentine tango embrace
The ideal hand embrace has the partners hands palm-to-palm, with fingers and thumb encircling one another, forming an intimate and highly functional connection.
The ideal hand embrace has the partners hands palm-to-palm, with fingers and thumb encircling one another, forming an intimate and highly functional connection.
Feelings (“connection”) without technique equals awkward, uncomfortable encounters. Technique without feelings leaves one a bit cold.
Argentine tango competitions serve useful roles to improve dancers and grow awareness of the dance.
The embrace forms the foundation of our dance. Our mindful approach to creating and maintaining a quiet, comfortable, meaningful embrace will carry our dance together to new places.
Directing our movement by giving and taking away space, plus being *with* our partner by holding space for them.
By using a tall, straight stick, such as from a broom or mop, we can practice in a way that creates strong molinete movement with
Always work with a notebook and camera. Every time you make a good or interesting discovery, video record it so you don’t lose what happened,
Have you seen it? That shocking moment when you see in the partner’s eyes a flash of upset, surprise, even a bit of pain or
When do I tend to forget? Let these situations trigger heightened awareness. Dancing with or for the teacher? Dancing with someone perceived to be of
Notes from EVERY TRICK IN THE BOOK by Charlie Dancey, Juggling chapter, Learning How to Learn Tricks, pp. 467-468 You can save yourself a lot