Absolutism corrosive in teaching a skill … and life
“My way or the highway.” “Love it or leave it.” “This is how you dance tango.” A recent blog post [1] seemed to test the
“My way or the highway.” “Love it or leave it.” “This is how you dance tango.” A recent blog post [1] seemed to test the
Nobody loves me but my mother, And she could be jivin’ too. –B. B. King, “Nobody Loves Me But My Mother” Seen in VOICE LESSONS
If at first you don’t succeed, calm down, slow down, take a breath, assess yourself, assess your partner. I wear hearing aids. When I don’t
Do we really need to say that dance floor relationships need to be the same as real life relationships need to be about respecting other persons’
The Sunday, February 4, 2018 issue of Parade, the Sunday newspaper supplement, had a couple of articles with notes for teachers of Argentine tango. First,
Background: In most every dance community at one time and another there will be outcries about how wild dancing and poor floorcraft threatens the health
No, those aren’t the guys in The Original South Austin Jug Band. Randy, rowdy, and uncouth was what I thought of the writing in The
This explanation forms the WHAT of my understanding of Argentine tango. Now as to the HOW, well that’s where the real fun begins. From my
“I wish that there had been another woman on my flight. I wish that two of us had gone up together. I think it would
“Everyone wants to be right, but no one stops to consider if their idea of right is right.” ~F.M. Alexander Often, problems we feel with